Boarding Pass

Travel memories in black and white, displayed in a XVIII’s century buiding. An experience that changed my life forever. 

     ︎I have dived into my archives to rescue some pictures of what was a pivotal event in my life: my first solo exhibition.

In February 2014, I was invited to display my work in a very special space, the “Colegio Oficial de Aparejadores y Arquitectos Técnicos de Madrid”, an impressive building in the heart of the City, just a few meters from the Puerta del Sol.

The exhibition was named “Boarding Pass”, as a reference to the starting point of every long trip. At that time, my aspiration was to follow the spirit of the photographers of XX century, travelling all over the world, using my camera as an excuse to discover other cultures. Photography was the key to open my mind and witness different realities.

The opening day I was surrunded by many friends and family that understood how important was photography becaming in my life. It was unforgateble. Encouraged by the feelings I experienced, that day I secretly decided to change my life. A couple of years later, I left my previous career as an technical architect to became a professional photographer. I never regret of taking that decision.
